Surgical procedures and investigations
If your pet requires a surgical procedure they will need to attend one of our clinics in Cranleigh or Newdigate for the day. We have fully equipped operating theatres and comfortable hospitalisation facilities to make your pet’s stay as stress free as possible. We also have separate dog and cat wards so your pet can recover in a quiet environment. For our clients who we visit at home we do offer a transport service to and from the clinics with a member of our nursing team.

Pet hospitalisation
There may be occasions when your pet will have to stay at the clinic for some specific care such as intravenous fluids, surgical recovery, pain management or supportive care. In these circumstances your pet will be made comfortable in one of our quiet hospital wards. We have separate cat, small mammal and dog wards so we can minimise stress. On the rare occasion that your pet requires intensive care outside of our usual hours, we will always endeavour to care for your pet on site with our own staff. There may however be some occasions where it is the best interests of your pet that they be referred to a hospital.

Emergency care for pets
For your Out of Hours care, you are able to contact a member of our team 24/7 through PetsApp.
If your animal is in severe distress, please phone 07825 807269.