Animal breeding

Terms & Conditions

Thank you for entrusting the care and attention of your animals to The House Vet & Rowly House Vet (The House Vet, Surrey) – “The Practice”. This site details our Practice Terms and Conditions of Business. We request that you ask for further explanation / clarification if required.


All fees (including drugs, materials, consumables and diets) are subject to VAT at the current rate. Fee levels are determined by the time spent on a case, a visit charge (if required) and
according to the drugs, materials, consumables and diets used. Our written fee list is available upon request.

Out of hours and emergency calls and consultations

The Practice provides an out of hours emergency service via Vets Now Guildford.


The Practice does not hospitalise animals onsite overnight. Any animals needing overnight care are transferred to Vets Now (Guildford) and returned to The Practice the following morning.

Estimate of treatment costs

The Practice will happily provide a written estimate as to the probable costs of a course of treatment. Please bear in mind that an estimate given can only be approximate as an animal’s
illness may not follow a conventional course.


Accounts will only be rendered with the express agreement of the Practice Management.

Payment is due at the end of the consultation, the discharge of your pet or upon collection of drugs/diets, or within 5 calendar days for Home Visits.

You may pay using:

  • Cash/cheque (with current Bankers Card)
  • Credit/debit card (Maestro, MasterCard, Visa) in person or by telephone
  • BACS / Bank Transfer

Settlement terms for accounts

Payment as detailed above. Any invoice queries must be raised within 30 days of the invoice date or they cannot be considered. Should it be necessary for a reminder to be sent, further charges will be incurred. After due notice to you the overdue accounts will be referred to The County Court and further charges will be levied in respect of costs incurred in collecting the debt. Any cheque returned by our Bank as unpaid, any Credit Card payment not honoured and any cash tendered that is found to be counterfeit will result in the original account being restored to the original sum with further charges added in respect of bank charges and administrative costs together with interest on the principal sum.

Inability to pay

If, for any reason, you are unable to settle your bill or account as specified, please discuss the matter as soon as possible with the Practice Manager. No agreement can be made by any other member of staff.

Animal health insurance

The Practice strongly supports the principle of insuring your animals against unexpected illness or accidents. Please ask for details about insurance from any member of staff. A charge is made for the completion of insurance claim forms. Please note that it is your responsibility to settle your account and then reclaim the fees from your insurance company.

Complaints and standards

We hope that you never have recourse to complain about the standards of service received from The Practice. However, if you feel there is something you wish to complain about, please direct your comments, in writing, the Practice Manager. A copy of our complaints procedure is available upon request.

Case histories, radiographs and similar records

The care given to your animal may involve making some specific investigations, for example taking radiographs or performing ultra-sound scans. Even though we make a charge for carrying out these investigations and interpreting their results, ownership of the resulting record, for example a radiograph, remains with The Practice.

Case records including radiographs and similar documents are the property of and will be retained by The Practice. Copies, along with a summary of the history, will be passed on request to another veterinary surgeon taking over the case.

Dispensing of medicines

Please see our prescription policy by clicking here.

In certain cases, we may decide that the best treatment for your animal involves prescribing medication outside the data sheet recommendations (i.e. ‘off label’) or a specially prepared
unauthorised medicine, or a medicine imported from another country under a Special Import Certificate. In accepting the treatment of your animal at The House Vet (Surrey), you accept that there may be risks and side effects associated with treatment.

We do not give credit for return of medication even if unopened and unused as we are unable to monitor the storage and security of items once they have been dispensed. In certain cases, we may decide that the best treatment for your animal involves prescribing medication outside the data sheet recommendations (i.e. ‘off label’) or a specially prepared unauthorised medicine, or a medicine imported from another country under a Special Import Certificate. In accepting the treatment of your animal at The House Vet (Surrey), you accept that there may be risks and side effects associated with treatment.

We do not give credit for return of medication even if unopened and unused as we are unable to monitor the storage and security of items once they have been dispensed.